Web Development

Front-end Web development focusses on HTML, CSS and Javascript. Static files can be uploaded on the server.Popular Client server architecture of websites need server to respond to client. Deployment on netlify is mainly Static websites and some Serverless files.

  • HTML forms the basic skeleton for website. It stands for hyper text markup language.
  • CSS handles the look and feel of website by managing layout and formatting of text and images in a website.
  • Javascript deals with interactivity.
  • PHP is mainly Server side language. It is used in server to handle client requests and parse the PHP code in php engine and produces HTML markup to send to the client.
A great mentor shows how to do it first, so you know it's possible - Unknown

Best Practices

While declaring Variables in Programming languages the naming convention is accompanied by declaring Variables and function before we use.It helps to prevent errors and bugs that are difficult to find....

  • DRY stands for Dont Repeat Yourself for code reusability. A important topic to consider for better code efficiency.
  • Declaring Variables and function before we use, helps to prevent errors and bugs that are difficult to find.
A great mentor shows how to do it first, so you know it's possible - Unknown

Why learn Command Line?

Developers have to be good with command line shell. Basic commands like touch, cd, mv, cp, chmod, chgrp, pwd, whoami and text editors like nano and vim. Working on a web development project need experience of editor like vscode and extensions and tweaking features within vscode like liveserver, livesass compiler, various shortcuts of vscode...

What is Github and git?

Version control is center of any software development. Collaborate with other developers is easy. Git commands help to make different version of a program, if something is messed up, git reset --soft HEAD^ or HEAD@{1} can redo....

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How to use MVC pattern for web development?

Model View Controller is one of the most used patterns.... Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam officia ipsum deleniti illo expedita quod architecto ad minima temporibus natus.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam officia ipsum deleniti illo expedita quod architecto ad minima temporibus natus.

Machine Learning with Python and Data analysis?

Python is one of the easy to learn and fast general purpose Programming language.... Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam officia ipsum deleniti illo expedita quod architecto ad minima temporibus natus.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam officia ipsum deleniti illo expedita quod architecto ad minima temporibus natus.

How to perform HTTP request using REST API?

HTTP requests are way to make server request to some data from the server. Verbs like create,get, post, put,delete are way to interact with server.... Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam officia ipsum deleniti illo expedita quod architecto ad minima temporibus natus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta, animi!

Javascript is Server side Language Credos to Node JS

Node is Server side Javascript. Node package manager is used to access one of the many modules from npm.js online repository. Nodejs modules use export and import function to import modules into node_modules folder and use by require within javascript file....